The Child Welfare League of America is the nation's oldest and largest membership-based child welfare organization. CWLA is committed to engaging all Americans in promoting the well-being of children and protecting every child from harm. www.cwla.org |
The Starlight Children's Foundation is an international non-profit organization dedicated to helping seriously ill children and their families cope with their pain, fear and isolation through entertainment, education and family activities. www.starlight.org |
WE, formerly called Free The Children, is the World's largest network of children helping children through education, sustainable development and youth empowerment activities. WE Charity partners with communities to provide education, access to clean water, healthcare, nutricious food and entrepreneurial opportunities designed to create sustainable communities of healthy families. www.WE.org |
Prevent Child Abuse America is the national champion of great childhoods for all children. Founded in 1972 in Chicago, Prevent Child Abuse America works to promote the healthy development of children and prevent child abuse before it can occur. The goal is for children to grow up healthy, happy and able to contribute to their communities. PCAA's 50-state chapter network works every day to promote the kind of strategies and activities that make a difference both locally and nationally. www.preventchildabuse.org |
St Louis Children's Hospital lives the mission to do what's right for kids by delivering care in ways that protect the precious childhood moments every child deserves. Funds raised support the delivery of expert pediatric care, state-of-the-art research and hospital programs and services that give children everywhere the chance to learn, laugh, play and grow no matter what medical challenges confront them. www.StLouisChildrens.org |
Connecticut Children's is the only free-standing children's hospital in Connecticut that offers comprehensive world-class healthcare to kids. With more than 30 pediatric specialties ranging from anesthesiology to urology, Connecticut Children's doctors, nurses and medical staff are not just experts in their individual specialty, they are experts in diagnosing and treating children. www.ConnecticutChildrens.org |
NCOHF: America's Tooth Fairy is dedicated to eliminating children's preventable suffering from pediatric dental disease by providing programs and comprehensive resources to deliver community-based preventive, educational and treatment services. www.americastoothfairy.org |
YouthAIDS, a global initiative by Population Services International, is a drive to protect and educate the world's youth against HIV/AIDS. YouthAIDS aims to save millions of lives through creative communications and preventive health products. www.youthaids.org |
Our Military Kids provides substantial support in the form of grants to the children of National Guard
and Military Reserve Personnel who are currently deployed overseas, as well as the children of Wounded
Warriors in all branches. These grants pay for participation in sports, fine arts, camps, and tutoring programs
that nurture and sustain children while a parent is away in service to our country or recovering from injury. www.ourmilitarykids.org |