charity holiday cards
NCOHF: America's ToothFairy
The National Children's Oral Health Foundation (NCOHF): America's ToothFairy is dedicated to eliminating children's preventable suffering from pediatric dental disease by providing programs and comprehensive resources to deliver community-based preventive, educational and treatment services.
Catching Flakes (NCOH2025)
NCOHF: America's ToothFairy
Wishing you a season of happiness, a season of cheer, and to top it all off-- a wonderful year!
Dove with Trailing Stars (NCOH1322)
NCOHF: America's ToothFairy
May peace and joy follow you throughout the New Year
Happy Holidays (NCOH1319)
NCOHF: America's ToothFairy
Joyous Holiday Greetings
Evergreen of Peace (NCOH1315)
NCOHF: America's ToothFairy
May the stars of peace and hope shine on you and those you love this holiday season
Peaceful Snowpeople (NCOH1309)
NCOHF: America's ToothFairy
May the candles you light for peace be reflected throughout the world this holiday season
Hooray for a Snow Day (NCOH1308)
NCOHF: America's ToothFairy
May your heart be warmed by the joys of the season
The Future Belongs to the Children (NCOH1307)
NCOHF: America's ToothFairy
Let there be peace on earth..... and let it begin with us