Feeding America
Greetings of the season and
best wishes for the New Year
Feeding America
May your heart be warmed by the joys of the season
Feeding America
Wishing you a bright and
joyous holiday season and
happiness in the coming year
Feeding America
Warmest thoughts and
best wishes for a
wonderful holiday and a
very happy New Year
Feeding America
Greetings of the season and
best wishes for the New Year
Feeding America
Warmest thoughts and
best wishes for a
wonderful holiday and a
very happy New Year
Feeding America
Wishing you joyous holiday greetings
and a bright and happy New Year
Feeding America
May your celebrations be merry,
your heart light,
your holidays happy,
your season bright.
Feeding America
May all the good things of life be yours,
not only at Thanksgiving,
but throughout the coming year.
Feeding America
Wishing you a season of happiness,
a season of cheer,
and to top it all off--
a wonderful year!
Feeding America
Warmest thoughts and best wishes for a
wonderful holiday and a very happy New Year
Feeding America
May all your seasons
be filled with peace and joy
Feeding America
Greetings of the season and
best wishes for the New Year
Feeding America
Wishing you old-fashioned pleasures
happy memories and all the joys of the season
Feeding America
May the warmth of love, the spirit of hope
and the beauty of peace
be your gifts this holiday season.
Feeding America
Wishing you health, peace, joy and happiness
this holiday season and throughout the New Year
Feeding America
A wish for a warm and
wonderful holiday and a
bright and beautiful New Year
Feeding America
Wishing you a bright and joyous holiday season
and happiness in the coming year
Feeding America
Wishing you a bright and joyous holiday season
and happiness in the coming year
Feeding America
Wishing you a world of peace and happiness
now and throughout the New Year
Feeding America
Greetings of the season
and best wishes for the New Year
Feeding America
May the gifts of peace, health and happiness
be yours this holiday season
and throughout the New Year
Feeding America
Wishing you a bright and joyous
holiday season and happiness
in the coming year
Feeding America
A wish for a wonderful holiday season
and happiness throughout the coming year
Feeding America
May all your seasons
be filled with peace and joy
Feeding America
The warmest of wishes for
the happiest of holidays
Feeding America
May all the joys of
the season be yours
Feeding America
May the peace and beauty
of the holiday season be yours
the whole year through
Feeding America
Wishing you a world of peace
and happiness now and
throughout the New Year
Feeding America
Holiday greetings and best wishes for a
New Year of happiness in a world of peace
Feeding America
Warm wishes for a joyful holiday season
Feeding America
May the good things in life be yours in abundance, not only at Thanksgiving but throughout the coming year
Feeding America
Best wishes for a happy holiday
season and for health, happiness and
prosperity throughout the New Year
Feeding America
Wishing you a fun-filled birthday
and a wonderful year ahead
Feeding America
Holiday Greetings and best wishes
for a New Year of happiness
in a world of peace
Feeding America
May the joys of the season
warm your heart and home
Feeding America
Wishing you the best of the
holidays and happiness
in the coming year
Feeding America
May the peace and beauty of the holiday season
bring you peace and happiness now and throughout the New Year
Feeding America
For friends and family, we give thanks.
Happy Thanksgiving
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